What you should know before you get an erotic massage

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It’s ok to be nervous

If you have never had an erotic massage, it's expected that you would be nervous and it's totally normal. Erotic masseuses are used to this and they will do all they can to put you in the right mood. Before your massage starts, you and your masseuse will have some time to chat, take shower together and to get to know each other better. Remember, during the whole sensual massage you can and should talk about your feelings, so the masseuse can give you the best experience.

It's all discreet

Our parlour is discreet to protect our clients. So if you don't want to be associated with our services, you don't need to worry. And you don’t need to worry about any information being leaked, because evidence of your booking is usually erased straight after your session.

Always treat your masseuse with respect

Although an erotic massage offers touching, nudity and a lot of sexual feelings, it’s important that you are respectful to your masseuse at all times. Always respect what she is saying and if she doesn't like something you are doing, stop immediately. Before you want to touch or kiss her, ask! Just lay down, relax and let her take you to the Paradise.

Arrive on time

Make sure to treat them with respect by arriving on time, and you will earn it back. So always try to be there on time or even a few minutes earlier and if the traffic snarls you, make sure to call us. We will wait 15 min. If you’ll come later, it’s not sure, that there will be free time for your massage.

There are so many reasons why you should get an erotic massage. It can boost your sexual stamina, provides escape from life stresses and unwinds your tired and worn out muscles. So don't hesitate, make a reservation and visit us for your own piece of Paradise.


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