This website is an advertisement site offering erotic massages. Offering sexual services is strictly prohibited. The price of advertising is contractual. The condition of publication is renting one of the rooms in Paradise Massage Prague
If there is one procedure that really stands out among the rest of the erotic massages, it’s a tantra massage.
Not just able to grant you top erotic fulfilment, but also able to fill you with peace and positively transform you for the better – there’s really no convincing reason not to try tantra. Go for it!
Though extensively working with erotic energy, this procedure’s purpose is more than just granting you orgasm. It’s primarily about the experience of genuine care, love, inner harmony and acceptance.
The erotic aspect serves as a mere gateway to all these things and shouldn’t be viewed as anything more or less than that.
A proper setting does wonders. And there’s no better setting for your procedure than our parlour, whose sumptuous interior will surely spark your imagination.
The rich decorations, soothing music, dim lighting and aromatic scents are sure to underline your experience in the best way possible. And there’s no better setting for a massage like tantra in Prague than our parlour…
Rooted in an ancient Indian tradition, while also taking cues form modern psychology and physiotherapy, czech tantra represents a well-rounded procedure that’s able to fulfil multiple purposes while maintaining a sense of mystery and exoticism. You’re unlikely to experience anything like it!
Why not bring your partner along? Few thing can blow a bit of fresh air into your relationships better than this procedure. Give it a try and thank us later!
Don’t worry, it’s nothing too complicated. Since tantra body massage is a deeply personal experience, you should be choosing a masseuse that you find not only attractive, but also sympathetic on an individual level.
The mutual connection is the key component without which things simply wouldn’t work out as intended.
Another thing to look out for is a correct breathing technique which you’ll be taught beforehand. That is to ensure you maintain control over your body and are able to postpone and build up pleasure up until the right moment. Follow the masseuse’s instructions and everything should be all right!
After you’ve selected your masseuse, you will hop into a warm shower – either on your own, or together with her – this is entirely up to you.
After you’ve washed away the dust, you’ll be led on a comfortable massaging mattress. Everything starts with slow, gentle strokes, followed by a light teasing with tools such as ostrich feathers, soft furs and more to spark your imagination and perhaps even put you into a light trance. Don’t forget to breathe properly!
Gradually, the touches will become more intense and won’t leave out a single part of your body, private parts included. Your arousal will spike, but things will not be over yet – the point is to delay the climax as much as possible, by stopping short of it and also by the aforementioned correct breathing.
Finally, all the accumulated arousal and energy will be let out in an extraordinary orgasm. The ecstatic state may last for minutes. You won’t believe what’s happening!
When all’s over, a final shower awaits you before your way home. You’ll go back relaxed from our tantra club, pumped with new energy, and with a sense of fulfilment…
While the atmosphere of our salon can indeed turn your experience into something else, don’t hesitate to order an escort massage, if you prefer the comfort of your own home. Just let us know who and where and we’ll be ringing your doorbell before you say tantra!
To get a full hour of exquisite pleasure for a one minute phone? You won’t get a better deal anywhere! Order an excort today!
This website is an advertisement site offering erotic massages. Offering sexual services is strictly prohibited. The price of advertising is contractual. The condition of publication is renting one of the rooms in Paradise Massage Prague
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