
What is Tantra Massage?

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Tantra massage is a massage – where the sexual energy is use to achieve a higher state of consciousness. The massage includes various techniques and elements from yoga, bioenergetics, and sexual therapy. This form of massage works to remove blockages modern folks face, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, sexual or even psychosomatic. The goal of the tantric massage is awaking all 7 chakras and that can lead to total relaxation. Professional therapist can heal any discomfort in your body. In massage, you should be concentred on breathing and you should totally focus on yourself. This technique is called -pranayama.

Try Tantra massage at our salon!


Our skilled massage therapist use sensual touches like some type of art. If you let them, they can free your mind and let your mental pain escape from your body. We offer tantric massage mostly for couples. Our professional masseuses can teach you the correct way to perform tantric massage to each other so you can practice it at home with your partner. Tantric massage in Paradise erotic massage salon have 5 years experienced therapists. So don’t hesitate and make reservations on our site.

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